Public Policy Institute (PPI)


26 September 2023

Elections are the core of any functioning representative democracy. Elections serve the purpose of choosing representatives and leaders who will manage public affairs in the best interest of the people. Conducting regular, free, and fair elections is an important democratic principle.
This applies to political officers, community organizations, religious groups and schools. Everyone has the right to participate in the governance of his or her country. This can be done directly or through freely elected representatives. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government. This shall be expressed in periodic free and fair elections which shall be by universal adult suffrage and shall be held by secret vote.
Uganda follows the system of representative democracy where people elect their representation to run the government. General Elections are held every five years, however, other election be held as and when need arises. The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda provides all citizens 18 years and above have a right to vote and a duty to register as voters.